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Pertama kali , kami selaku editor situs ini , mengucapkan selamat datang pada pembaca sekalian. Semoga dengan hadirnya situs ini dapat memberikan pencerahan wawasan, Khususnya Untuk bidang telekomunikasi.


>>> This web site was built about middle of 2004's. It's one of my commitment to share my experiences, knowledge and everything I have. No one knows what they have done for their family and other people. That they know : they must do everything better and better.

  • About Content and Purpose

>>> Basicly, it's purposed to everything information about electrical engineering subjects and other correlation matter ,particularly, telecommunication . But by considering that Not all visitor have interesting about that matter, so I try to accommodate them by giving some space with some matter about social discourse.

  • Version of language

>>> I realize only have a little time to do all. May be part of this web site will be in English language and the others in Indonesian. the part of english version almost be dominated about my writing that I take from many source. And the indonesian version may will be dominated with tutorial subject and other matter taken from internet, books and others.

  • Thanks And Hope

>>> Thank's for your willingness to visit my web site. I'm aware "No body's perfect", so , by that consideration, I hope all partcipation from you for every improvement of this web site.

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moed's corner

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